Weddings are meant to be interactive and something sacred, honorable and fun for all involved. Engage.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
The focus group of Engagement Ink
Engagement Ink is focused on the family and family institutions, and indirectly on you. It starts right from the wedding day. We love to share our beautiful memories. One of the most memorable in our lives are wedding days. How would you be able to share those memories successfully on the Internet and with your friends online if your photos do not come out very well, if they are not well illustrated and if your videos do not get to all of them? Engagement Ink was created to fill that need. Engagement Ink can also be used for other occasions like photos and videos for events, anniversaries etc. The principal work I do on Engagement Ink is to process your photos and edit your videos, place them online and make sure your friends and relatives get to enjoy them online as they are used to offline, (if distance and time would permit). So, recently, you must have noticed that I have integrated a cartoon column and a regular post I have tagged: “This week on my newsfeed street.” The cartoons are to share marriage and wedding anecdotes; the viewpoints of the cartoonist which Engagement Ink also shares. I believe you will find them valuable. The “this week on my newsfeed street” series was begun because of the dearth of photo materials on weddings and families, a problem I am having, and you know, opportunity and preparedness go together so I have to be practicing on my photo editing skills while waiting for you, the opportunity, to give me an offer of processing your eventful photos and videos for online enjoyment. So the series are practice sections.Without media, how boring social media would be
Photos and videos are the mainstay of the internet; without them, we’d have only lines and lines of boring text. So, whatever you do on Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn or whichever site on the internet, you must need a photo editor and you should need me. Also, my services are affordable. Why not stop by the Engagement Ink Facebook page and go through some of the older postings; I’d recommend that you start with the Photos app on it. I have two mature service offerings right now, a Basic and Premium service for post-weddings.Conclusions
Some of you must have received emails from me. I cannot use your photos for the “newsfeed street” series without seeking your permission, although the use is non-commercial. I envision a situation in the future where more photo editors will understand the importance of posting images with visual and aesthetic beauty and join in my work, then we’d see more photos of Nigerians and Lagosians looking not worn and weary, which is not the normal, but enhanced, optimized and looking their best, which you will find when you browse the photo galleries of people from other countries. I wonder why we should be different? So, in a nutshell, this is what Engagement Ink represents. Questions anyone?Saturday, June 30, 2012
My picks for this week.
My picks for this week come from six photos: three are overexposed , exhibiting unusual brightness while two were underexposed and the sixth was a good photograph but had slight contrast problems. I’d choose to highlight the beautiful sixth first that had a contrast problem. I am choosing it because I know the guy in particular. I frequent the cybercafé he runs. To be honest and this is not a commercial runt, he runs one of the best cybercafés in Satellite town, at Trinity Computer School, and a computer school to go with, as the name entails. NB: All photos have been scaled to a 410px width to accommodate the spatial limits of my blog.The other four remaining photos
There are four other photos that you can look at and find aesthetic delights in going through – if you haven’t already on Facebook – while noting the differences between my enhancement work and the original as uploaded by the Facebook user. The next two are too bright.CARTOON: HAVE YOU ENTERED MARRIAGE BECAUSE IT WILL CONFER YOU WITH WORLDLY ADVANTAGES?
Kathy’s Dilemma
The bride above, Kathy, is in a dilemma because her partner-to-be must possess qualities such as money, power or fame which her family, peers, or closest social circle craves. And he knows it. So, having the bargaining power, she agrees to the marriage arrangement with the benefits it can confer in mind; he knows this and she knows it. So what would he do? He’d make sure he gives her the ten commandments of what he expects of her in the marriage, some reasonable, sometimes absurd. This is what the cartoonist refers to as some Terms of Service (TOS). It reminds one of the long list of terms you encounter when you are installing software. At the bottom of the screen, you will be told:If you agree to these terms, click here, or
If you do not agree, click here. It would be a recipe for disaster entering marriage hoping to get some benefits from it; whether of any of the three above. But we all do it most of the time.
The Officiating Priest’s point of view
The second dilemma the cartoonist portrays is that after reading the terms of service, the officiating minister thinks she is making a big mistake entering into this arrangement, hence his use of the wordsterms of service, and reminding us of the fact that most of us, like Kathy, decide to click:
I do, whether to marriage or to installing software, even though we do not know a thing about how it works, provided it has worked for others. That is the caveat. We think because it has worked for others it will work for us. Well, like for installing software, if you do not like the arrangement again, Kathy or you or I who desire the benefits of money, power or fame, can simply go to the control panel and uninstall the software or apply for a divorce. That would be a sorry outcome, but that is what everyone does. May our marriages last forever!
Friday, June 22, 2012
The Photos I retouched.
The first photo was that from a woman who looked beautiful in a rural setting sort of way. I liked her immediately I saw her because she came to me as somebody who is frank and down-to-earth. Her photo though had some faults. This is the original.

The second photo.
Sometimes, children make us remember the days of innocence. This one did.

The third picture on my newsfeed street.
The third picture I decided to retouch was that of a young woman who looked set and determined to make it in life.

I can also work for you.
I see lots of photos on my newsfeed street that needs retouching a lot. Maybe yours needs some post-processing work to look better. Remember, on Facebook, every impression is a first impression and first impressions count.How much will it cost you?
Only one hundred naira (N100.00). It’s just for network time and for my efforts. I am doing it for you as my friends that is why you come across my newsfeed street. If you are interested in processing your photos, just message me on Facebook; I prefer Facebook because it is tied to my mobile number. Note too that I go to work from noon and return home at about 10:00pm in the night; although the work is just below the old minimum wage, it is still something. So, just message me on Facebook and attach the photos and leave an easily reachable mobile number so I can sms you when I am through processing them. I prefer you pay me cashless (Visa Classic, Naira mastercard, paga etc). Cashless reduces the burden of paying and is easier for a hundred naira. Remember, first impressions count. Don’t leave your photos as-is when you can add value to them with a little processing.Thursday, June 21, 2012
Darling, do you have a second to spare?Husband is busy with the tires on his car or some other interesting hobby and tells her:
I need to get this done now, Darling.If this happens often and on, the wife might become resentful and being human, she could find an excuse to retaliate. Hence, the above cartoon. Roles could change both ways. The cartoonist is fascinated with the fact that when any of the mates has a second, it turns out to be not a second to spare at all, because the other is busy and vice versa. So, the question is:
Who is going to give way to the other?That question should not have come about if communication has not started to break down and if resentment and backbiting has not started becoming a demon who has found a victim. So, for all you newlyweds and agedly married, lurking behind a curtain of business might turn out to be costly in terms of family communication.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
When I took a look at this picture, of the parts of a leaf, I wondered if I could make a blighted image of it.
Although the leaves looked fresh, but at some edges they looked worn out. So I took out my photo editing software, open source mind you, and called GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) and tried my hands at blighting the image above.
Since I wanted to change only one color, the yellow colors on the green leaf, I decided the hue-saturation tool was good for the job. I reduced the hue of the photo to -30 until I got one of the primary colors I wanted, something brownish. I then chose that as my primary color. I then increased the darkness of the photo by reducing the lightness to -30 and the saturation to 70. You can see the result below.
How powerful photo editing is.
On a wishful note, I wanted to convert the photo to the parts of a leaf that were fresh, green and somewhat tender.
Back to the hue-saturation tool again. This time, the primary color was not specific but just the master. I wanted the greenness to be outstanding, so I increased the hue to 20 and increased the lightness to 27. The photo shone brilliantly like green parts of a leaf in spring. It looked so fresh that one could almost touch them. If I wanted the green leaves to appear old and not fresh, I would have darkened it a little with the lightness feature, especially at the edges. On a last note, I decided to reduce the intensity of the color by reducing the saturation by 5, that is, -5.
The result can be seen below.
You can make a photo look sick or fresh and healthy, depending on what filters you apply to it. Voila.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Color also reflects our mood and feelings; just like poetry. Both fields feed on the artistic nature of the human; both fields can never be dull of monochromatic, else, no one would patronize them. At Engagement Ink we are conscious of this fact and constantly are looking for ways to increase the range of colors you can spice up your images with, while at the same time, increasing the scope of colors you can chose from. Why not visit the colors and tones albums and see for yourself.
For example, while Black&White photos are most favorable for old or historical photos, sepia tones (they are those pictures you think were tainted with light or dark brown colors) are loved by people who want to keep their photos for archival purposes. At the colors and tones album, you can feed your eyes on the panoply of colors you can apply to your photos. All this is to increase the value of your photos and make your family and friends appreciate them more; the same way as you do.
Is there a tone or color which you would like to see added to the list? Send me a message on facebook or email me:, and I will surely get the filter for it and include the color or tone in the gallery.
Partnership needed:
Engagement Ink is still growing. If you are a photographer, shoot videos, are into wedding planning and events planning, or even deal on accessories that are linked directly or indirectly to weddings like Wedding Gowns, Suits, rings, invitation cards, you can derive a lot of good by partnering with us, or even adding Engagement Ink’s services as a subsidiary service your company provides and increase your revenue base while adding more value to your product offerings.
These are the three facets of engagement ink:list of wedding pages , photo portraits and frames and then, color and tones. These three facets when considered together gives a complete picture of how couples can derive value from having a wedding page.ENGAGEMENT INK IN LESS THAN 500 WORDS
the About To Wed couple can scan every necessary wedding information material that is created for their family and friends – invitation cards, menus etc and post it on their wedding page. The cover page for the wedding page would bear amongst other things, “About To Wed”, in line with the tradition and the accepted custom in Nigeria.
Wedding Saturday:
Engagement Ink recognizes the work and effort put in by gown designers, wedding planners, suit designers, hall decorators and lots of people to make this day a success. But on the other hand, we realize that no one has thought of our family and friends who are not able to see all these; those that were invited and would not be coming maybe because of geography or other considerations. Making the wedding an event can close this gap. As an event, those who failed to attend can follow the proceedings, right from when the couple arrive the wedding venue and down to the evening when every leg is tired, bleary eyed and willing to tell the newly wedded couple: “Welcome to the club."
Whether there will be a honeymoon or not, that is left to the couple, but there will be photos shot during the wedding and videos also shot during the wedding for the couple to distribute to their family and friends who have all gone back to their destination. Who can do this? No other but Engagement Ink. You should not spend all that money just to keep those photos and Video CDs in a drawer to gather dust and be forgotten. Make your family and friends see them, comment on them and tell you what they enjoyed that Saturday.Thanks! This is what Engagement Ink is all about in less than five hundred (500) words.
Partnership needed:
Engagement Ink is still growing. If you are a photographer, shoot videos, are into wedding planning and events planning, or even deal on accessories that are linked directly or indirectly to weddings like Wedding Gowns, Suits, rings, invitation cards, you can derive a lot of good by partnering with us, or even adding Engagement Ink’s services as a subsidiary service your company provides and increase your revenue base while adding more value to your product offerings.
These are the three facets of engagement ink:list of wedding pages, photo portraits and frames and then, colors and tones. These three facets when considered together gives a complete picture of how couples can derive value from having a wedding page.WHAT A WEDDING PAGE REPRESENTS
At the bottom of this timeline,see how wedding pages are spiced with artifacts of the weddings, even before the wedding. If you are ready for marriage or already married, avail yourself of a wedding page through Engagement Ink.
Not another website:
You don’t need another profile page after you have a wedding page. This is to reflect your change in status, from a single to a married. You should encourage your mate to post on the wedding page with you, as often as possible, so your family and friends, will be able to understand the changed status both of you are having.Partnership needed:
Engagement Ink is still growing. If you are a photographer, shoot videos, are into wedding planning and events planning, or even deal on accessories that are linked directly or indirectly to weddings like Wedding Gowns, Suits, rings, and invitation cards, you can derive a lot of good by partnering with, or adding Engagement Ink’s services as a subsidiary service your company provides. Thereby increasing your revenue base while adding more value to your product offerings.Product Highlight: Wedding Pages on Facebook (WPoF) pages: Post-wedding picture frames and cover pages.
Engagment Ink’s “Wedding Pages on Facebook (WPoF) pages: Post-wedding picture frames and cover pages” consists of three items which have been organized into two packages. The items are the wedding pages, the colors and tones, and finally the frames for the photos. You can find all of this by paying a visit to the Engagement Ink’s Facebook page Photo app.The packages are:
The Basic package:
This offering comes with a maximum choice of 3 colors and tones for toning your pictures, a maximum choice of 5 portraits and frames and any choice of cover pages from our gallery or other galleries, or your own idea. The Basic service accepts a maximum of fifty (50) photos. The Basic service costs seven thousand (N7, 000) naira.The Premium package:
The premium offering comes with an unlimited choice of colors and tones from our colors and tones gallery on Facebook, an unlimited choice of portraits and frames and a maximum of hundred (100) photos. You can choose any cover page idea from our gallery or any other gallery, or even propose your own ideas. The premium service costs eleven thousand (N11, 000) naira. For further information, please, do download this document, “Wedding pages on Facebook.”Thursday, May 3, 2012
Also, see a list of portraits that can spice your wedding pages and wedding albums. You will surely love them.
This was for a couple who were my first client. The pictures were taken from a one and half year old video cd of the wedding. I tried my best to sharpen and remove much of the faults in the images. The link to the photos pages are here. Note particularly the Hall of Fame albums. The five album series is a pictorial story of what happened that Saturday, 18th December, 2010.
This was for a couple who were my second client. The wedding took place on the 21st of April, 2012. The wedding page is still work in progress. See the bottom of the timeline for a pretty invitation card photo.
This wedding page was designed with lights overcoming darkness. It was designed for any couple who think on the bright side of life. I played with lots of lights on the cover page.
This wedding page is just a sample copy of a design with freshness greenery in mind, although I chose to make the grass dark. It is for any couple who believe the wedding day and their marriage should be memorialized with fresh artifacts of daily life like flowers, blue skies etc.
As glory is but some emotion, so also will this page reflect on couples who love the fast lane and enjoy the bright light of fame and stardom.
This is the first About To Wed Facebook page and will serve as template for all others. The template was inspired by the Guinness stout poster scattered all over Lagos. It gives the idea of power but one that is dynamic, in transition and fearsome.
I did the cover page for this wedding page with reflection in mind , like the reflection images of water and glass. I believe reflections show us a second side of what we are, as it should for any couple.
Ever thought of rare luxurious vintage wine? That is the emotion this page inspires. This sample copy was meant for couples who love to live their life to the full.
Ever had butterflies in your stomach? Ever wanted green lawns with all the beauty of purity and chastity? Butterflies shares such emotions with couples as they begin marriage.
This wedding page inspires motion and action. Like a wind strewing flowers, which happens often in my neighborhood. It evokes fast paced spiral movement. Good for couples who like things digital.
When the sunrises, a new day is heralded. This wedding page makes every day of your marriage to seem fresh, and bright. Couples who love lights and playing with lights will find this page to their taste.Also, see a list of portraits that can spice your wedding pages and wedding albums. You will surely love them.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Fortunately, nothing went wrong. The marriage register has been signed. You have kissed the bride and the bride has kissed you. Your family and friends who came to celebrate and joli with you have danced and eaten to their bellyful.
It’s Monday. The wedding has come and gone. What you have as newlyweds is a marriage ahead of you. Would you count a wedding page as one of the assets you possess?
Weddings were always approved by God and the State. You and your mate have done the right thing. You have earned the right to be called Man and Woman, Mr. and Mrs. You can beat your chest to the whole wide world about this. She is your woman, the only one God has given to you.Marriage is such a sacred institution that whoever made the wedding day its birthday knew what honor and sacredness meant.
Wise couples though do not celebrate only in the eyes of the public. To make your married life a success, you must make sure you can celebrate and share your beautiful moments in the private.
Ask any couple: “How many of your guests came back to see the wedding photos and videos after the wedding Saturday?” I bet you, only a meager few, and those who did, must be living at close quarters.Why should you take so much pain to pay for the production of something which enjoyment no one gives you a feedback on?
Now engagement Ink thought that money should be put to wise use. So I created this idea of a wedding page on facebook, complete with the complete story of how the wedding went, with the intention that after the wedding Saturday, the wedding page would become a marriage page.
So on the timeline, for which pages I term “public figures”, the start of the page is your wedding page. Check out the timeline at the bottom of the wedding page for my first client,Henry and Emmanuela Nze, or the prospective clients I am working on, Emeka and Dorathy Chukwu. The wedding pages were created with the idea that the wedding day is the birthday of a marriage life.
You and your mate have so much life ahead of you. There will be the wedding anniversaries, maybe the first year, fifth year or tenth year anniversaries. The babies will be coming. Six years after, Junior would be celebrating his entrance into secondary school. You’d have much celebrations ahead of you during your marriage. Why not celebrate them with fond memories, with photos and videos online that would never grow old, not even when sepia toned?Share all this on the page you have created for yourself and your mate. Social networking and the Internet has given mankind another media where we can form a close knit society of shared values, shared joys and hopes.
Engagement Ink asks you to go through the pages which links you can see above and understand what I mean by asking you to come “…taste weddings that are interactive.” Maybe I can also add, “…marriages that are interactive.”
Wedding page for Henry and Emmanuela Nze, Emeka and Dorathy Chukwu, A sample wedding page, more samples are on the drawing board. Have a happy marriage Saturday.
Monday, April 16, 2012
How do we go about doing this?
At Engagement Ink, the value of social networks is harnessed to their fullness. Through pages, groups and friendings, your wedding page builds a web of connections where your communications have a reach as never before imagined. Name it, be they connected through their mobile devices, emails or social networking profiles, building a web of connections to each and every one of your family and friends has never been easier.
Through posts and comments on your wedding page, along with relevant photos that tell visual messages, you have the opportunity to tell the story of your weddings. How you met your spouse, why you decided to tie the knot, what the arrangement for the wedding are, before the D-day. On the Saturday of the wedding, you as a couple have the opportunity to reach out to your invitees who will not be attending through social channels so that whether through their mobile devices or personal computers, they can a part of the wedding by creating the wedding as an event. After the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. now have an added opportunity to share and make their family and friends discover the secret of their love and what happened on the wedding day.
Truly, weddings have never been more fun and interactive than now.
Engagement Ink gives the couple a big opportunity to make their appreciation or a big “Thank you” to all those who made the wedding a possibility through the wedding page connected through a web of connections that amplifies the message they wanted to say from the very start: “What a beautiful thing, to be husband and wife.”
Make your marriage honorable and sacred. Make Engagement Ink a part of your wedding arrangements and you will never forget reliving the unforgettable moments even one, two or ten years in the future.
Engagement Ink. As is said, weddings were meant to be interactive.
On the other hand, unless you have been part of a team planning for a wedding, you will not realize the enormous resources and time that are put to make a wedding a success any Saturday. This is why I thought couples needed another helping hand in order to make their weddings a success.
The cost of organizing a wedding is enormous. There is the cost and uncertainty associated with sending out invitations to your family, friends and well-wishers and waiting for an RSVP that might never come. Cost of budgeting for outlays like venues, cooks, wedding gowns and suits, wedding rings and cakes and scheduling the event itself. There is also cost and uncertainty of how best to communicate the wishes of the couple to the invitees of the wedding. Furthermore, after the wedding, the added uncertainty of producing a photo album and Video CD that might never get to the hands of the intended – attendees and non-attendees who the couple desire to communicate with after the wedding.
These and many other uncertainties and costs which over the years have added to increase in the amount spent by couples in organizing weddings was why Engagement Ink was born. Engagement Ink makes your weddings interactive, discoverable and shareable while reducing the cost of reaching out to your family and friends before, during and after the wedding event.
Here are some ways Engagement Ink intends solving those problems.